
logos july

1. Regret is like eating a chocolate cake alone

2. A leaf should understand the struggle of its roots

3. Be fueled by people who put you down

4. Hang on every word to catch little lessons

5. A smile can tell a story

6. Hold your siblings close

7. Sometimes life throws you a shoe…protect it!

8. A little bird can change your perspective

9. Enjoy the journey and savor each milestone

10. Generosity ripples through generations

11. Drop the plan and wing it

12. One man can move a mountain side

13. Open your ears to the clouds

14. A goat smells like goat

15. Cancer’s cancer

16. Treat everyone like family

17. Stop looking down

18. We all grow old

19. A home renovation can bring you to tears 

20. We all need something to believe in

21. Walk like a fearless child

22. You can walk through a doorway, but it can never be closed

23. Understand the road we travel

24. Life is a grape vine

25. Remember how they lived

26. Step out from behind the lens

27. We are the people who raised us

28. Grateful for grated cheese

29. Understand the love of a parent

30. Hold on to moments of familiarity

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